Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is a chronic skin condition that affects millions worldwide. It’s characterized by dry, itchy skin and rashes that can flare up and resolve periodically throughout a person’s lifetime.

At AboutSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics, our Board-Certified Dermatologists understand that this condition can have a profoundly negative impact on your life, and our goal is to provide the most advanced and effective treatments to manage it.

What Causes
Atopic Dermatitis?

While the exact cause of atopic dermatitis is unknown, it’s believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. This condition is often found in families with a history of allergies or asthma, suggesting a strong genetic link. Environmental factors such as allergens, irritants and even stress can trigger or worsen the symptoms.

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Symptoms and Impact

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis vary and may include:

  • Dry skin
  • Red or grayish-brown patches
  • Itchiness, which may increase in severity at night
  • Cracked or scaly skin
  • Small bumps
  • Raw, sensitive or swollen skin from scratching

These symptoms are most common on the hands and wrists, feet and ankles, neck and upper chest, and inner bend of the elbows and knees.

Living with atopic dermatitis goes beyond physical discomfort. It can disrupt sleep, cause emotional distress and impact social interactions, significantly detracting from your quality of life.

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What Eczema Treatments 
Are Available?

Our Board-Certified Dermatologists approach atopic dermatitis with the most effective, state-of-the-art treatment options. These methods reflect our expert knowledge and align with consensus recommendations for diagnosing and treating atopic dermatitis. These treatment guidelines, shaped by comprehensive research, extensive clinical experience and the collaboration of experts across multiple fields, ensure a consistent and superior quality of patient care. At AboutSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics, we’re committed to upholding an exceptional standard of care, tailoring your treatment to the latest medical evidence for your peace of mind and best health outcomes.

Topical Steroids

Topical steroids are typically the first line of defense in treating atopic dermatitis. These medications are applied directly to the skin to reduce inflammation and relieve itching. They come in various strengths and formulations, and our dermatologists will recommend the most suitable one based on the severity of your condition.

Biologics (Injectable or Oral Systemic Medications)

Biologics are advanced medications specifically engineered for this type of condition. They can treat moderate to severe atopic dermatitis, especially in cases where it hasn’t responded well to other treatments. Our biologics target certain pathways in the immune system, playing a pivotal role in managing the inflammatory processes that underlie atopic dermatitis.

We offer biologics in the form of injectable or oral systemic medications. Injectable biologics for atopic dermatitis are administered under the skin (subcutaneously) with a fine needle and work by targeting cells in the immune system that contribute to the inflammatory process. This targeted approach allows for a more precise treatment with potentially fewer side effects than broader-acting systemic medications. Injectable biologics have been shown to significantly reduce the signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis, including itching and skin inflammation.

Oral systemic biologics, while less common than injectables for atopic dermatitis, offer another route of administration. These oral treatments also work by modulating specific parts of the immune system involved in the disease’s pathology. The convenience of oral administration can be an advantage for patients who prefer not to use injectable medications.

Contact Us for Your Personalized Treatment Plan

At AboutSkin Dermatology and Aesthetics, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for those suffering from atopic dermatitis. Each case is unique, and so are our treatment approaches. We consider your specific symptoms, the severity of your condition and your overall health to create a tailored treatment plan. Our aim is not just to treat the symptoms but also to improve your skin’s health over the long term.

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Greenwood Village, CO 80111

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