Improve Symptoms of Aging and Skin Damage in the Denver Area

Laser resurfacing in Denver is one of the fundamental treatments in minimizing etched-in lines and wrinkles on the aging face. Improving imprinted lines and wrinkles on the face can be one of the most dramatic ways to literally “turn back some years on the clock”—and AboutSkin Dermatology has the best technology and equipment to help in this quest.

Our practice founder and director, Dr. Joel Cohen, has published extensively on the topic of laser resurfacing, lectures throughout the world on the subject (including some of the largest plastic surgery and dermatology meetings in the US, Europe, and Australia), is a trainer/Center of Excellence director for many laser companies (Sciton, Acclaro UltraClear, Accure, Vydence, Cynosure, Candela, Lutronic, etc.), and participates in regular clinical trials for the latest innovations in equipment and techniques. AboutSkin is dedicated to helping your journey with experience, efficacy and innovations.

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In general, facial rejuvenation is defined as the improvement of the changes associated with aging, sun exposure, environmental factors, and genetics—especially increased skin pigmentation, redness and blood vessels, texture and laxity changes, and, of course, wrinkles.

Improvement in skin texture, laxity, and wrinkling (especially those wrinkles present when the face is at rest) is best accomplished with ablative laser resurfacing treatments. Acne scarring and pigmentation are also frequently treated with laser resurfacing. During this cosmetic dermatology procedure, laser energy removes some of the damaged skin layers to a defined depth—and then your body goes to work to remodel and deposit new, smoother, collagen-rich skin.

Laser resurfacing has evolved over the years to become safer and more effective. Early laser technology from several years ago had significantly more potential for discoloration/pigment changes (many patients are familiar with the older technology that often caused loss of pigment that highlighted the junction between the whitish treated skin versus the adjacent untreated skin) or even scarring. Today, the new laser resurfacing technology at AboutSkin can achieve more consistent, more effective, and more predictable results—a much better balance between results and risks.

Current laser resurfacing technology can be finely tuned to address the specific concerns of each unique patient while also factoring in acceptable downtime, cost, and goals. We are fortunate to have many different laser platforms to choose from at AboutSkin Dermatology, which ensures that you receive a “tailored treatment” for your individual skin-care needs and goals. We often employ a few different lasers during a single laser resurfacing session—not just the one laser that happens to be on-hand.

Full-Field Ablative Erbium Laser Resurfacing (NuRadiance)

  • 100% of the targeted surface area is treated
  • Most effective laser resurfacing for etched-lines imprinted in the skin, especially around the mouth (“smoker’s lines”) and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Excellent results with more improvement per treatment and fewer overall number of treatment sessions than fractional resurfacing technologies
  • More results, but also more downtime than fractional laser devices—with swelling, oozing, and crusting often for up to 2 weeks and then pink color for usually several weeks
  • More predictable results and less complications than old-fashioned full-field CO2 resurfacing
  • Very significant results/improvement usually seen after one laser resurfacing treatment, sometimes two

View FAQs About Ablative Resurfacing

Fractional Ablative Laser Resurfacing (CO2 and Erbium)

  • Fractions of target-area skin are treated in columns of vaporized tissue (micro-thermal zones), and these treated columns are replaced by new, healthier tissue through collagen-stimulation and healing
  • CO2 and Erbium laser resurfacing systems are available (Candela-Syneron CO2RE, Sciton Erbium ProFractional, Cynosure 2940 Erbium) (click here for Dr. Cohen’s publications on this topic)
  • Typically redness, oozing, some crusting, and peeling for 5-7 days
  • Low complication rate (decreased risk of scarring, pigment alteration, prolonged redness)
  • Often performed as part of a series of laser resurfacing treatments (average of 2-3 sessions)

View FAQs About Ablative Fractional Resurfacing

HALO 2.0 Hybrid Fractional Laser Resurfacing

  • Dr. Cohen published as “lead author” the FIRST paper and clinical study about combining ablative and non-ablative wavelengths in one session, which served as groundwork to lead to Halo (click here for Dr. Cohen’s publication on this topic)
  • Dr. Cohen also was also involved in the development and testing of the 2.0 software update for Halo 2.0
  • Halo 2.0 is one of the newest fractional laser resurfacing technologies available
  • Halo is a laser of choice for skin rejuvenation when recovery time is limited
  • Reduced healing time compared to ablative fractional laser alone (average of 4-5 days): mild oozing for 1-2 days and then mild redness, “coffee-grounding,” and peeling
  • Very low complication risk of pigment alteration, prolonged redness, or scarring
  • Requires series of laser resurfacing treatments (usually average of 2-3 sessions)
  • To help with same-session efficacy, may be combined with other technologies (BBL, Q-switched laser, MaxG, PDL, etc.)
  • Effective simultaneous targeting of both deep and superficial layers of the skin (combines benefits of deep non-ablative pulse with more superficial fractional ablative pulse through columns in the skin)

View FAQs About Fractional Resurfacing

Non-ablative Fractional Laser Resurfacing (Thulium 1927nm and 1540nm Erbium)

  • Creates columns of very specific wavelength tissue interaction to create healthier-looking skin without much downtime at all (no significant “social downtime” in most cases)
  • Useful for rejuvenating sun-damaged skin, improving skin-tone and acne scars without the downtime of ablative devices
  • Technology includes (Lutronic LaseMD/LaseMD ULTRA thulium 1927 laser, Cynosure ICON 1540 XF and XD)
  • No wound-healing or weeping wounds, just a few days of pink (and sometimes some very mild swelling)
  • Very, very low complication risk of scarring, pigment alteration, prolonged redness, but the tradeoff for less downtime is definitely less overall improvement per laser resurfacing session than ablative laser resurfacing (fractional and full-field ablative laser resurfacing)
  • Requires a series of treatment sessions for optimal improvement
  • Great as part of an acne scar treatment regimen to avoid downtime (frequently paired with minimal-downtime radiofrequency microneedling Genius RF, either on the same day or in a different session)
  • Also, great as a “maintenance laser” a few times a year or even every few months (especially after having done ablative laser in the past).

View FAQs About Non-ablative Fractional Resurfacing

Microlaser Peel

  • Erbium 2940nm microlaser peel (MLP) provides the effects of a moderate to deep chemical peel—but with MORE precision, control, and consistency than a chemical peel.
  • Face, neck, chest, and hands are frequently treated areas to improve sun damage, as well as crepey skin
  • Improves pigment and texture, leading to smoother and brighter skin
  • Often combined with pulsed light or other laser (BBL, MaxG, Q-switched laser, or IPL) to address stubborn brown spots
  • Redness, mild crusting, peeling for a few days (depending on level of treatment and passes)
  • Very low complication risk (pigment alteration, discoloration, or scarring)
  • Usually a series of treatment sessions for optimal results

View FAQs About Microlaser Peels

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