Choose from Ablative and Non-Ablative Technology for Rejuvenating Skin in the Denver Area

Fractional laser treatments at the Denver area’s AboutSkin Dermatology and DermSurgery can address a wide range of cosmetic dermatology concerns, including fine lines, discoloration, and certain scars.


A fractional laser creates tiny columns of laser energy in the skin while leaving normal skin around each zone. The unaffected skin repairs the areas faster than with non-fractional laser treatments, so the treatments have less down time than some other options. The depth, width, and density of the laser energy will be chosen by your Board-Certified Dermatologist to address your specific skin concern. The treatments must be tailored to the individual’s skin type and color to achieve the most effective results.

There are two types of fractional laser treatments: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers precisely remove surface tissue while non-ablative lasers send energy through the surface to impact deeper layers. Both technologies have unique benefits and recovery times, making one or the other ideal for patients with specific areas of concern and aesthetic goals.

There are many types of skin concerns that can be treated with fractional laser treatments, including sun damage, acne scars, surgical scars, fine lines, and discoloration.

Both ablative and non-ablative treatments improve the color, texture, and tone of the skin. AboutSkin Dermatology offers both types of lasers, with more than a dozen different devices available, so we can choose the best option for each skin type and deliver customized results.

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With AboutSkin’s virtual consultations, you can easily highlight specific skin concerns on your face or body and connect with a dermatology professional. Receive personalized guidance and a custom care plan—all from the comfort of home. Schedule your consultation today!

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Let Your Skin Glow

Let Your Skin Glow

Let Your Skin Glow

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Greenwood Village, CO 80111

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